Claim Instructions


New Provider Services Portal for Enrollment, Maintenance and Claims Entry available 12/13/2021.

Montana Healthcare Programs is excited to introduce a new Provider Services Module. Beginning December 13, 2021, you will notice a change to the online enrollment links. All providers seeking to enroll with Montana Healthcare Programs will be directed to the new MPATH online application offering a more efficient way to enroll, update information and easily submit claims!

MPATH Claims Entry Solution - The claims entry solution is an online tool allowing providers to manually enter claims. Available options include:

  • Claim form templates - The system allows users to create and save templates for common claim submissions. No need to start from scratch every time.
  • Diagnosis and Procedure code look up - The system has code look up features to assist with entering correct information.
  • Ability to submit multiple claim types - including Professional, Facility and Dental claims.
  • Great alternative to WinASAP5010 - The claims entry solution is a free, simple to use and providers can enter claims without converting and uploading files.
  • Electronic Claim Adjustments - Paper adjustment forms are no longer required. The provider service module allows for online claim adjustments.


Provider Services Portal


There are two ways to submit claims to the Montana Healthcare Programs: Electronic and paper.  Electronic claims are processed an average of 14 days faster than paper claims. Paper claims submitted via mail are processed an average of 12 days faster than paper claims submitted by fax. The information below is intended to support claim submission in both formats.