Welcome to the Montana Healthcare Programs
Provider Information Website.
Provider Relations Outage Issues Resolved
August 30, 2024The Provider Relations call center and MATH web portal are now fully functional. We apologize for any inconvenience.
For any further questions, please contact Montana Provider Relations at (800) 624-3958 or (406) 442-1837 or email Montana Provider Relations Helpdesk.
Claims Processing Outage
August 30, 2024On Thursday, August 29th, at approximately 2:15pm MT we began experiencing a service interruption of our Claims processing system.
Today, as of 8:00 am MT Conduent technology teams have been able to successfully restore all impacted services. Point of sale claims are processing successfully at this time. We will continue testing and monitoring the system throughout today.
We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Providers with claims that have not processed should resubmit these claims.
Provider Relations Outage
August 29, 2024Provider Relations Call center and MATH web portal are currently down. We are working to resolve the issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Claim Status Availability Issue Identified
June 26, 2024An issue with the weekly cycle occurred causing a delay in the claim status availability for some adjustment claims. There is no impact to claim payments. Conduent and the Department have identified the issue and a plan is in place to ensure claims status is available, June 27th. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Attention: Providers Partnered with Change Healthcare Can Resume Electronic Claims Submission to Montana Healthcare Programs
May 9, 2024Change Healthcare has re-established their connection with Montana Healthcare Programs. Providers can resume sending claims via their standard practice prior to the Change Healthcare cyberattack. If you are submitting claims and continue to experience issues, please reach out through your biller to connect with the Change Healthcare resources. For more information, please see reference to Montana Medicaid at https://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/changehealthcarecyberresponse#latestupdates.
Dental Remittance Advice Formatting Error
January 19, 2024
Claims Processing Delays
November 9, 2023 The Department is working with Conduent to address claims processing delays due to staffing shortages. Department staff are actively evaluating common edits that cause claims to suspend and making procedural and system changes to streamline claims processing. Changes to the 40-year-old claims system are challenging; however, as opportunities for automation are identified, they are prioritized for development and implementation. Additionally, Conduent has added numerous staff resources to expedite claims processing. Finally, the State Medicaid Director, Mike Randol, meets with Conduent executive leadership weekly to ensure continued progress toward resolving the claims processing delays.
Claims Payment Discrepancy Update
September 15, 2023
On September 13, 2023, the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) identified a claims payment issue with the September 11, 2023, payment cycle. The cause of this issue was that the payment file for August 14, 2023, was re-run and providers received their August 14, 2023 payments again in error instead of the payments they should have received on September 11, 2023.
To correct this issue, this weekend, the Department, will reverse the EFT payments or cancel the warrants that providers received in error, and process the proper payments due to providers for September 11, 2023.
The remittance advices providers received on September 11, 2023, will match the corrected payments providers will receive on or before Tuesday September 19, 2023. Providers should use the remittance advices received on September 11, 2023, for reconciliation purposes. The only item that will not match is the warrant number for the corrected payment.
Providers will receive their payments as usual for September 18, 2023.
Impacted providers will also receive a notification to their email on file. The Department sincerely apologizes for this issue and has taken immediate steps to prevent this issue from re-occurring in the future.
Claims Payment Discrepancy Identified
The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) has identified a claims payment issue with the September 11, 2023 payment cycle. The issue has caused under payments or overpayments to some providers. Impacted providers will note that their deposit information does not match their 835s or Statement of Remittance (SOR). We are diligently working to identify impacted payments and are taking steps to reconcile and resolve the issue. Updates will be provided as soon as information becomes available.
For claims questions or additional information, contact Montana Provider Relations at (800) 624-3958 or (406) 442-1837 or email Montana Provider Relations Helpdesk.
Visit the Montana Healthcare Programs Provider Information website to access your provider type page. Choose Resources by Provider Type in the left-hand menu.
Information Reminder
Providers are able to access information 24/7 by calling Provider Relations at (800) 624-3958.
When the system answers, Providers choose Option 7. Option 1 is for pharmacies requesting unlock and Option 5 is for members.
We appreciate the work you do at all hours of the day and night to serve Montana Healthcare Program members. The IVR is there to help you get the information you need when you need it.
Online Training Available
Monthly Provider Enrollment
Amanda Boyd, Enrollment Supervisor, Conduent, Second Wednesday of every month at 10am Mountain Time (1 Hour)
• These trainings will be on the second Wednesday of every month at 10am. Providers must register for each occurrence they wish to attend.
• This is a general enrollment training not a series of trainings.
Montana Medicaid PRTF and TGH Authorization and Billing
Brittany Craig, Medicaid Program Officer; Children's Mental Health, September 19, 2024 at 2pm Mountain Time (1 Hour)
SURS Training
Jennifer Tucker, SURS Supervisor, DPHHS, October 17, 2024 at 2pm Mountain Time (1 Hour)
Documentation from a Review Perspective
Jennifer Tucker, SURS Supervisor, DPHHS, November 21, 2024 at 2pm Mountain Time (1 Hour)
Diabetes Prevention Program
Melissa House, Diabetes Program Manager, DPHHS, December 19, 2024 at 2pm Mountain Time (1 Hour)
To register for upcoming Online Training and access to previous Training PowerPoints, please visit the Training page at https://medicaidprovider.mt.gov/training.
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