Contact Us
The Contact Us section provides direct contact information for providers to receive support to participate in the Montana Healthcare Programs. The tabs below are intended to help providers connect directly with those services such as enrollment, claims questions, program questions, and other activities to assist in receiving payment for services provided to Montana Healthcare Programs members. Hours for those listed under the Contact Us information are 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday (Mountain Time) unless otherwise stated.
Contact Provider Relations for general claims questions, questions about enrollment, eligibility, Passport, Medicaid, MHSP, HMK pharmacy, eyeglass and dental payments and denials:
(800) 624-3958 In/Out of state
(406) 442-1837 Helena
IVR (24/7 verify member eligibility, payments, enrollment status etc) (800) 714-0060
- Provider Relations Fax:
(888) 772-2341 - FaxBack
(800) 714-0075
Please note: The Conduent general inboxes cannot accept secured emails or PHI, and do not answer claim status inquiries. For claim status, please reach out to Provider Relations at 800-624-3958.
US Mail:
Send written inquiries to:
Provider Relations Unit
PO Box 4936
Helena, MT 59604
Providers are able to access information 24/7 by calling Provider Relations at (800) 624-3958.
When the system answers, Providers choose Option 7. Option 1 is for pharmacies requesting unlock and Option 5 is for members.
On the next menu, select one of the following options:
We appreciate the work you do at all hours of the day and night to serve Montana Healthcare Program members. The IVR is there to help you get the information you need when you need it. (posted 08/16/2019)
Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS)
The Divisions with oversight of services are indicated behind each service. For further information, click on the indicated Division Tab, located in the Resources section below.
• BHDD – Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Division
• HRD – Health Resources Division
• SLTC – Senior and Long-Term Care Division
To locate your program officer, see the Division entry on the webpage, Public Health and Human Services, Department of ( or contact your Program Officer by calling the telephone number indicated below.
- Adult Mental Health – (406) 444-3964 (BHDD)
- Ambulance – (406) 444-3182 (HRD)
- Ambulatory Surgical Centers – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Applied Behavior Analysis Services – (406) 444-3878 (BHDD)
- Audiology – (406) 444-4518 (HRD)
- Children’s Mental Health (BHDD)
Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT) – (406) 444-5916
Youth Mental Health Services – (406) 444-6018-
Services include:Acute Youth Mental HealthPsychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF)Partial Hospital Services (PHP)Therapeutic Group Home (TGH)Home Support Services (HSS)Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) and TFC- PermanencyDay Treatment
Intensive Outpatient Therapy for Youth Mental Health (IOP)Outpatient Therapy Youth Mental HealthTargeted Case Management for Youth with SEDCommunity Based Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Support Services (CBPRS)
- Developmental Disabilities Program (0208 Waiver and TCM Services) – (406) 444-3072 (BHDD)
Services include:0208 Comprehensive Waiver for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities
Applied Behavior Analysis Services
Targeted Case Management for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities
- Dental (Dentist, Denturist, Dental Hygienist, Oral Surgeon) – (406) 444-3182 (HRD)
- Dialysis Clinics – (406) 444-7018 (HRD)
- Durable Medical Equipment (DME) – (406) 444-4518 (HRD)
- EPSDT (Private Duty Nursing, Chiropractic, Milk Bank, Nutritionists) – (406) 444-4349 (HRD)
- Eyeglasses – (406) 444-4066 (HRD)
- Family Planning Clinic – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) – (406) 444-7018 (HRD)
- Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) – (406) 444-6002 (HRD)
- Hearing Aid Dispensers – (406) 444-4518 (HRD)
- Home Infusion Therapy – (406) 444-2738 (HRD)
- Hospitals – (406) 444-7002 (HRD)
- Independent Diagnostic Testing Facilities – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Indian Health Service (IHS) / Tribal 638 / Urban Indian Organization (UIO) – (406) 444-1292 (HRD)
- Laboratory Services – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Mid-Level – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Mobile Imaging – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation – (406) 444-3182 (HRD)
- Optometric – (406) 444-4066 (HRD)
- Pharmacy – (406) 444-2738 (HRD)
- Physicians – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Podiatrist – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Public Health Clinics – (406) 444-3995 (HRD)
- Rural Health Clinic (RHC) – (406) 444-7018 (HRD)
- School-Based Services – (406) 444-4066 (HRD) (BHDD)
- Substance Use Disorder – (406) 444-3964
- Targeted Case Management (High-Risk Pregnancy, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs) – (406) 444-4349 (HRD)
- Therapy (Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy) – (406) 444-4066 (HRD)
- Transportation – (406) 444-3182 (HRD)
For assistance with Mobile Caregiver Plus, contact the call center at (833) 483-5587. Representatives are available from 7 AM to 6 PM Mountain Standard Time.
For more information about EVV, a list of services subject to EVV, or to subscribe for updates to receive EVV updates and notifications about upcoming stakeholder townhall meetings and training see the Department of Public Health and Human Services EVV webpage.
Mountain Pacific
Transportation Utilization Review:
Call Center: (800) 292-7114
Address: PO Box 6488
Helena MT 59604-6488
For members requesting travel reimbursement prior authorization for driving themselves or if a family member/friend is driving them to an approved medical appointment, sign into the Montana Medicaid Transportation Request Portal to complete your travel request prior to your medical appointment.
For non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) providers who need transportation requests, please call (800) 292-7114.
Pharmacy Utilization Review:
Call Center: (800) 395-7961
(406) 443-6002
Fax: (800) 294-1350
(406) 513-1928
Physician Administered Drugs:
Call Center: (800) 219-7035
Address: PO Box 5119
Helena MT 59604
All Other Utilization Reviews:
Call Center: (800) 219-7035
Address: PO Box 5119
Helena MT 59604
Website: Mountain Pacific Provider Portal
The Resources section provides information for providers to support the implementation of services reimbursed through the Montana Healthcare Programs. The tabs below are intended to provide access to information that will assist in the understanding and support implementation of services to Montana Healthcare Programs members.
Send written inquiries to:
ASC Program Officer
Hospital and Physician Services Bureau
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-4540 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
American Dental Association
A leading source for oral health-related information for dentists and their patients.
Member Service Center
(877) 773-2969 (Weekdays: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time)
(312) 440-3542 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
American Dental Association
211 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
100 N Park, Suite 300
PO Box 202905
Helena MT 59620-2905
(406) 444-3964 Phone
(406) 444-4435 Fax
For additional contact information for AMDD, please see
The Health Resources Division (HRD) ( administers Medicaid physician, acute and hospital/clinic health care services for low-income and disabled Montanans and oversees the benefits of the Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) plan. HRD provides administration, policy development, and reimbursement for primary and acute portions of the Medicaid program.
100 North Park Avenue, Suite 300
PO Box 202905
Helena, MT 59620-2905
(406) 444-3964 Phone
(406) 444-4435 Fax
111 North Sanders, Room 307
PO Box 4210
Helena, MT 59604-4210
(406) 444-4545
Send paper claims to:
Claims Processing Unit
PO Box 8000
Helena, MT 59604
Send paper claims to the address above. For questions about dental claims, call Provider Relations. For more information, see the HMK website.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana (BCBSMT)
(800) 447-7828, Extension 8647 In/Out of state
(406) 444-3456 Fax, In/Out of state
For questions about MHSP claims, contact Provider Relations.
Montana CLIA Program
Office of Inspector General
PO Box 202953
Helena, MT 59620-2953
(406) 444-4540 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
Critical Access Hospital Program Officer
Health Resources Division
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620
Medicare Part A Program
P.O. Box 5017
Great Falls, MT 59403
For questions regarding electronic claims submissions:
EDI Support Unit
P.O. Box 4936
Helena, MT 59604
(800) 987-6719 In/Out of state
(406) 442-1837 Helena
(406) 442-4402 Fax
Conduent EDI Solutions
Provider Relations
P.O. Box 4936
Helena, MT 59604
(406) 442-4402 Fax
The American Academy of Pediatrics provides the latest pediatric resources dedicated to the health of all children.
Bright Futures
The Bright Futures Guidelines provide theory-based and evidence-driven guidance for all preventive care screenings and health supervision visits for children.
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Immunization Schedule
The CDC Recommended Immunization Schedules provides the recommended immunization schedules for children, adolescents, and adults.
EPSDT/Well Child
EPSDT is the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment portion of Medicaid’s Comprehensive healthcare coverage for children from birth through age 20. Visit the Well Child website for further information on EPSDT and the Well Child Checkups.
United States Preventative Services Task Force
The US Preventative Services Task Force works to improve the health of people nationwide and provides recommendations for the implementation of preventative care.
Vaccines for Children
The Montana Vaccines for Children provides vaccines to enrolled providers for immunizing eligible child at no cost for the vaccine.
Montana Immunization Program
PO Box 202951
Helena MT 59620-2951
Phone: (406) 444-5580
Website: Montana Immunization Program
To apply for this program, contact:
(800) 694-3084
(406) 444-9440
For a HIPP referral, contact your local Office of Public Assistance. Send written inquiries to:
Health Insurance Payment Program
2401 Colonial Drive, Second Floor
P.O. Box 202953
Helena, MT 59620-2953
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
(877) 543-7669 (Toll-free, follow menu)
(877) 418-4533 (Fax, toll-free)
Information on Healthy Montana Kids.
Health Resources Division
Dental Program
For Dental Program policy questions:
(406) 444-3182 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
Dental Program Officer
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
Dialysis Clinic Program
For Dialysis Clinic policy questions:
(406) 444-7018 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
Dialysis Program Officer
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2801
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Program
For FQHC policy questions:
(406) 444-7018 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
FQHC Program Officer
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2801
Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Program
For RHC policy questions:
(406) 444-7018 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
RHC Program Officer
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2801
Critical Access Hospitals – (406) 444-4834
FQHC – (406) 444-7018
Hospital Programs – (406) 444-4834
Rural Health Clinic Program – (406) 444-7018
Fax: (406) 444-1861
Send written inquiries to:
Hospital Program OfficerHealth Resources Division
P.O. Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
Send written inquiries to:
Indian Health Service (IHS) / Tribal 638 / Urban Indian Organization (UIO) Program Officer
Health Resources Division
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620
Lab and Imaging
Health Resources Division
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
There are several methods for verifying member eligibility.
Provider Relations
1 (800) 624-3958 or (406) 442-1837
8 am to 5 pm
Monday – Friday
Amount of last payment to provider; claim and enrollment status; member eligibility; prior authorization status; service limits
Have pen and paper in hand when you call; have NPI and member ID available when you call.
1 (800) 714-0075
Available 24/7
Managed care and other restrictions; member eligibility; third party liability
Before using FaxBack, your fax number must be on file with Provider Relations. Call FaxBack and enter your NPI/API, the member’s ID, and specific dates of service.
When prompted, ask for the audit number or the transaction will not be completed.
Integrated Voice Response (IVR)
1 (800) 362-8312
Amount of last payment to provider; managed care and other restrictions; member eligibility; third party liability
Call IVR and enter your NPI or provider number, a member ID, and specific dates of service. Verify eligibility for up to 5 members in one call. Contact Provider Relations for program benefit limits.
Montana Access to Health Web Portal
Available 24/7
Claim-based medical history; electronic remittance advices; managed care and service restrictions; member demographics; member eligibility; member status history; payment status; provider enrollment; third party liability
Before accessing the MATH web portal, you must be an enrolled Medicaid provider and complete the web portal registration online or by calling Provider Relations. From the Provider Information website, click on the Log in to Montana Access to Health link. If the member is not currently eligible, any managed care or third party liability information will not be displayed. The user will receive a response with a status of “inactive” reported in the Member Demographic Information.
Offices of Public Assistance
24/7 Verification is available via:
FaxBack (800) 714-0075 or
Voice Response (800) 362-8312
M-F, 8am - 5pm MST verification is available via:
(800) 624-3958 In/Out of state
A secure website on which providers may view members' medical history, verify member eligibility, submit claims to Medicaid, check the status of a claim, verify the status of a warrant, and download remittance advice reports. The MATH web portal is located at:
Mountain Pacific
Transportation Utilization Review:
Call Center: (800) 292-7114
Address: PO Box 6488
Helena MT 59604-6488
For members requesting travel reimbursement prior authorization for driving themselves or if a family member/friend is driving them to an approved medical appointment, sign into the Montana Medicaid Transportation Request Portal to complete your travel request prior to your medical appointment.
For non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) providers who need transportation requests, please call (800) 292-7114.
Pharmacy Utilization Review:
Call Center: (800) 395-7961
(406) 443-6002
Fax: (800) 294-1350
(406) 513-1928
Physician Administered Drugs:
Call Center: (800) 219-7035
Address: PO Box 5119
Helena MT 59604
All Other Utilization Reviews:
Call Center: (800) 219-7035
Address: PO Box 5119
Helena MT 59604
Website: Mountain Pacific Provider Portal
The Administrative Simplification provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) mandated the adoption of standard unique identifiers for health care providers and health plans. The purpose of these provisions is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the electronic transmission of health information. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has developed the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) to assign these unique identifiers.
National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Passport to Health is the primary care case management (PCCM) program for Montana Medicaid and Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) Plus members. The Passport to Health programs; Health Improvement Program, Team Care and Nurse Advice Line encourage and support Medicaid and HMK Plus members and providers to establish a strong doctor/patient relationship and ensure the appropriate use of Medicaid and HMK Plus service.
DPHHS Passport Page:
Provider Website Page:
Passport providers may report errors, omissions, or discrepancies in enrollee utilization and cost reports to:
Passport to Health Program
Member Health Management Bureau
PO Box 202951
1400 Broadway
Helena, MT 59620-2951
(406) 444-4455 Phone, In/Out of state
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Providers who have Passport questions may call the Provider Help Line, 1 (800) 624-3958.
Providers who wish to enroll or have Passport questions may also contact the Passport Provider Lead.
PO Box 254
Helena, MT 59624-0254
(406) 457-9542 In/Out of state
(406) 442-2328 Fax
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
(406) 444-3995 In/Out of state
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Technical POS Help Desk
(800) 365-4944
6 a.m to midnight, Monday–Saturday; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday (Eastern Time)
Medicaid Services Bureau
1400 Broadway
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-4540
(406) 444-1861
Presumptive Eligibility is available to hospitals and their affiliated facilities that participate with Medicaid in Montana. Personnel from these facilities must be trained and certified to make Presumptive Eligibility determinations for short-term, temporary coverage for qualified coverage groups.
For information on presumptive eligibility, see
For information about training, certification, or to verify eligibility, contact:
Alice Lewis
(406) 731-5774
1 (877) 735-1326 Toll-free
8:30 am to 4 pm, Monday -- Friday, Central Time
PO Box 6757
Fargo, ND 58108-6757
Refer to the Prior Authorization Information and your provider type manual.
OOS Acute & Behavioral Health
Hospital, Transplant, Rehab & PDN
DMEPOS/Medical, PAD, &
Behavioral Health Reviews
Call Center:
(406) 443-0320 (Helena) or
(800) 219-7035 (Toll Free)
HMK/CHIP Dental and Eyeglass Provider
To enroll as an HMK/CHIP dental provider, contact Provider Relations at (800) 624-3958.
HMK/CHIP Medical Provider
To enroll as an HMK/CHIP medical provider, contact BCBSMT at (800) 447-7828, X 6100.
1400 Broadway
PO Box 6489
Helena, MT 59620
(800) 821-7284 In state
(406) 444-3444 Helena/Out of state
DPHHS, Quality Assurance Division, Program Compliance Bureau
To report member waste, fraud and/or abuse, call the Member Fraud Hotline, 1 (800) 201-6308.
Member fraud can include one or more of the following
- Submitted a false application for Medicaid
- Provided false or misleading information about income, assets, family members, or resources
- Shared a Medicaid card with another individual
- Sold or bought a Medicaid card
- Diverted for resale or other reasons prescription drugs, medical supplies, or other benefits
- Participated in doctor or pharmacy shopping
- Obtained Medicaid benefits that they were not entitled to through other fraudulent means
- Paying cash for controlled substances
- Forged prescriptions
The Secretary of State’s office publishes the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM).
Secretary of State
PO Box 202801
Helena, MT 59620-2801
(406) 444-2055
Secretary of State Website
PO Box 4210
Helena, MT 59604-4210
(406) 444-4077
Fraud and Abuse
Surveillance/Utilization Review
2401 Colonial Drive
PO Box 202953
Helena, MT 59620-2953
Disbarred entities and entities suspended, proposed for disbarment, excluded, or disqualified under the non-procurement common rule, or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain federal assistance and benefits.
For questions regarding the Team Care Program:
(406) 444-4349 Phone
(406) 444-1861 Fax
Team Care Program Officer
Member Health Management Bureau
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
Team Care is a Montana Medicaid and Healthy Montana Kids Plus (HMK Plus) program for people who need help using their Medicaid and HMK Plus benefits the right way. People in the Team Care program can be sure to get good healthcare because each person has a team to help manage his/her healthcare.
Team Care
(800) 624-3958 In/Out of state
(406) 443-1365 Helena
(406) 442-0357 Fax
Send written inquiries to:
Third Party Liability Unit
PO Box 5838
Helena, MT 59604
Health Resources Division
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
Address policy questions to:
Transportation Program Officer
Bridget Evans
Health Resources Division
PO Box 202951
Helena, MT 59620-2951
(406) 444-3337 Phone In/Out of state
(406) 444-1861 Fax